Learning - (Advanced Meditation Course)

Learning - (Advanced Meditation Course)

  • Number of sessions - 15 to 21 (depending on your energy as Smita Ji deems fit as to how many sessions it may require)
  • Frequency - Generally once a week / depending on discretion of Smita Ji it could be designed for more than once a week (depending on how you progress)
  • Session Duration - 30 minutes
  • Course execution is entirely One-on-One and conducted online on Zoom Meetings.
  • Most sessions are taken by Smita Ji Jayakar (herself) and practise lessons are taken by her Team.

What Awaits You?


Unimaginable Growth : Achieve unparalleled success in,

  • Finances: Remove financial blockages and attract abundance.
  • Health: Transform your physical and mental well-being.
  • Relationships: Manifest harmonious partnerships and loving relationships.
  • Confidence & Personality: Radiate attractiveness and enhance your confidence.
  • 7 Chakra Lessons : Understand and balance your energies to achieve holistic well-being.
  • Meditations : Cultivate a calm, centered mind and connect with your higher self through guided meditative practices.
  • Ancestral Curse Removal : Break free from generational patterns and karmic blocks to unlock your true potential. (Smita Ji will remove the ancestral curse. Not teach the client how to remove.)
  • Deep Spiritual Lessons : Explore profound concepts of God, Karma, and the true essence of “Who Am I” to gain a deeper understanding of your existence.

Conditions apply*

Course Structure is subject to change as Smita Ji deems fit